Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

By Name

 Adam named his wife Eve,  
because she would become the mother of all the living.
Genesis 3:20
My Name Is...

When you were a little girl, did you ever pretend you had a different name? During playtime, did you encourage your friends to call you by that name? Maybe you still have some long forgotten journal or artwork where you practiced writing your self-appointed name in various styles or with different colored ink? Personally, if I had my way, Elizabeth would have been my first rather than my middle name. It always seemed more exciting and adventurous than Jackie. But, alas, Jackie Elizabeth is my name.

Recently, three girlfriends and I were discussing the process of choosing a name for a baby. We listened as one friend told us the prospective names her expecting daughter has chosen. Naturally, a trip down memory lane ensued as each one of us recalled the manner of selecting names for our children. We all agreed that certain ones were crossed off the list simply because the name was associated with a person we did not like. Other times our decisions were guided by family tradition or in honor of someone. Admittedly, a few of us selected a name we (or our spouse) had always liked, perhaps even the one we had coveted as a child!

Have you ever wondered or asked how your name was picked? Speculating, I posed that question to my mother. Surprisingly, she told me that Jackie, and Michelle (my sister's name), were the first two foster children my maternal grandmother hosted. (She also told me that if my anatomy had been different, I would be a Christopher!) Interesting. My mind travels a hundred paths with this new information, but the fact remains I was born a female and called Jackie.  

Jackie Brown. 
"Have you seen that movie?" (Yes, I finally rented it so I could answer this incessant question.) 
Jackie Brown.
"Awww, my parents had a dear friend Jackie Brown. You just brought back a warm memory." 
(You are welcome, but don't bother seeing the movie. I didn't like it.)
Jackie Brown
"I knew a girl named Jackie Brown in grade school." 
(You did? Well, I hope she was nice and you liked her. If not, just remember I am not that girl!)

His Name Is...
But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. Luke 1:30-32

Mary was a mother unlike all mothers. She did not choose her pregnancy nor did she choose the name for the Son given her. The angel Gabriel spoke the news and the assignment: you are to give him the name Jesus.
Son of the Most High
Son of Man

No other name captures us like His. His family history is part of the greatest story ever told. God selected a very special name for the Savior of the world. Movies have been named after Him. (And I love His movies!) Generations of children have been named after Him. Intense emotion is attached to His name. Knees bend and heads bow. Souls are saved. Jesus. Only Jesus. No other name but Jesus. 

But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. 
O Israel, the one who formed you says, 
"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. 
I have called you by name; you are mine..." 
Isaiah 43:1 NLT

Your Name Is...

Every Woman....

Girlfriends, by whatever name you go, know God has ransomed you. He has called you by name; you are His! Reach out and take the hand of Jesus. Treasure the fact that He knows you, the real you, no matter what name or label is attached. He created you. He has plans for your life. He is always with you. I pray today that you will hear Him speaking your name and answer, "Yes, Lord, here I am."

(Your name here), I love you and so does Jesus!

Walk By Faith

For we walk by faith, not by sight:
2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV

A Walk

This lovely morning, I walked in our neighborhood with a girlfriend who lives across the street from me. Traversing the sidewalks, we commented on the appearance of various landscaping, additions to homes, fences and siding color schemes, and the upkeep of land owned by the Franciscan Village. My friend wants to make some changes in her own landscaping, and my house needs painting. Naturally, we desire aesthetic beauty for the exterior of our property, yet we also discussed the housing market. When the time comes to relocate, will we recoup the costs invested? 

After a lengthy hike, including huffing up and down the hill, we stood in my driveway still discussing our opinions and choices. To my surprise, a woman appeared from around the corner of my house, sweeping the sidewalk with a white cane. I whispered to my friend, asking if she knew the lady, which she did not. As she turned toward us, I called out to our dog to move off the sidewalk, to which the woman replied that she was not afraid of Oreo. (Mighty brave, I thought, since earlier my friend and I got nervous seeing a dog restrained by an invisible fence!)

Lola stopped and chatted with us for awhile. She shared how her failing sight has presented her with new challenges and limits her freedom; however, she seemed determined to overcome her disability. Expressing how her family assists her, Lola also asserted that she must become self-sufficient in case she should ever be alone. Hence, her journey outside! This time she was walking around two blocks, but her first trip was simply on her block. Fourteen minutes, she exclaimed, was how long that first excursion took. She was driven to cut that time down, avoid falling, and master the use of the white cane. My friend and I encouraged and congratulated her as she continued toward home. 

A Walk by Faith

I now realize that I have previously met Lola. I remember her pushing a stroller with her six month old granddaughter and stopping to chat in my driveway. The contrast between the two meetings is stark. A short time ago, Lola walked as my friend and I did today, viewing the trees, flowers, grass, brick and painted homes, fences and pools. She probably pointed out birds and squirrels to her little grandchild. But today, Lola walks by faith, not by sight. Faith in a white cane to notify her of uneven pavement, street corners, and other sidewalk impediments. Faith in her other senses to alert her to animals, pedestrians, oncoming vehicles, and more. Faith in her own confidence to conquer her failing eyesight and overcome resulting limitations.

Lola encourages me today to examine my own walk. Am I relying too much on my sight to guide me? Do I place too much emphasis on outward appearances, whether it is landscaping, curb appeal or my own physical body? In what areas is God calling me to walk by faith in His plan and His priorities rather than by what I see as the way or the goal? Do I trust Him with my family, my home, my finances, my health, my life, even when the answers are I seek appear dark and hidden?

Faithfully Walking With God

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I do believe that God instructs to care for ourselves and to be good stewards of the world in which we live. I read it in His Word to me. He also tells me that I am to value Him above all created things. Therein lies my challenge--my task--to overcome my tendency to value what I can experience with my senses over what I experience by faith alone: my Lord and Savior.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

Girlfriends, today, I thank Lola for her courage to walk by faith. She has inspired me. Yes, I still have appointments for painting and repair estimates, trips to Home Depot for dirt and mulch, and a deck screaming to be stained; however, my top priority daily is conversation with Jesus about the state and condition of my soul and following up with application and maintenance!

Ladies, my prayer for you today is simple: May you walk by faith, not by sight. Without having seen, I pray you will believe that Jesus died for you sins--past, present and future--and accept His salvation offered by grace through His atonement. I pray you will schedule a soul examination with yourself and God: How important are appearances to you? Are you being a good steward of God's gifts to you, or are you valuing the gift more than the Giver? I pray time with the Lord will reveal answers and solutions which you implement. And I pray for Lola, and any of you, struggling with a physical challenge that threatens the ability to walk, to go forward in life. I say it again, may God give you the strength, courage, and desire to walk by faith!

Love to you all!

Just Say Hello

A new command I give you: 
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34

Hello Girlfriends!

Have you ever thought about that word "hello"? I mean, do you specifically remember someone teaching you to say "hello" when you pick up the phone receiver? When someone looks you in the eye and smiles, is your natural response to say "hi"? If you are like me, you utter that word, or some variation of it, countless times in a day without even thinking about its impact. The word just flows naturally, hangs in the air for a second or two, and then quickly disappears as we retreat back into our shells, minds run amok with endless chatter and to-do lists. 


It is a simple word, "hello," but do you realize the power that one word holds? Whether we initiate the greeting or answer another's prompt, "hello" either invites that person into our world or carries us into theirs. A pathway of communication is opened. I like to believe that the potential for lifelong, maybe even eternal, friendship exists just beyond that one word. 

On the flip side, lies silence. When we ignore a person's presence or refuse to acknowledge their salutation, communication collapses. Unrealized potential slips away into the hurry of the day. No new connections are formed, and huge opportunities for blessing are lost. Perhaps, even, the one to be blessed would have been YOU. 

A Lot of Junk
I attended a Bible study today at the home of a friend who lives about 30 minutes away. As usual, I slipped into my chair just as the lesson began, so I missed the introduction of a first-time participant. As the group closed in prayer, my friend Nadine lifted up to the Lord the newcomer seated to her left, asking God to bless her search for employment. Afterward, while the ladies enjoyed delicious snacks prepared by our hostess, I said hello to this new woman, Marina.We chatted for a few minutes and then joined the rest of the group. Before long I connected enough dots to realize that Nadine had driven Marina to our study today. 

Curious as I am, or nosy as my husband calls it, I asked Nadine how she met Marina. The answer made me chuckle: "at the Goodwill Store." Of course, my next question was, "Well, exactly how do you meet someone in the Goodwill? Did you run your cart into hers, or were you hunting for the same things?" (Keep in mind, my dear Nadine is seventy-five plus years old! I am not sure exactly, but Marina is a generation or two her junior.)

Nadine, in her stylish Southern voice, answered, "I said to her, 'It looks like you are buying a lot of junk there.' Then I thought I would give her my 25% off coupon because she probably had about $100 worth in her cart and I only had a few dollars." Marina nodded her head in confirmation as the rest of us laughed out loud. Nadine filled in the details of that day's meeting and how their friendship developed to the point of inviting Marina to this Bible study. Demonstrating the power of extending a greeting and initiating conversation, Nadine proved that girlfriends are all around us, even in the middle of a Goodwill Store!

Just Say Hello

Nadine and Marina's story is especially intriguing to me for a few reasons. For one, Marina is from Mexico, and Nadine is a true Southerner. Marina speaks Spanish, and Nadine speaks "drawl." However, language did not prevent them from connecting. Secondly, Nadine is Protestant, and Marina is Catholic; nonetheless, denominational differences did not inhibit their spiritual connection. And the third reason is because just last night at my church I spent over an hour speaking with a wonderful missionary woman named Lynda Hausfeld. Lynda's "Say Hello" initiative "inspires Christian women everywhere toward relationships with Muslim women everywhere, knowing that such focus will radically impact believers and will draw Muslim women in all nations to Jesus." (

Now, "it looks like you are buying a lot of junk there" is definitely a far cry from just saying "Hello." As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure Nadine is just about the only woman with enough charm to open with that line and end with the recipient riding to Bible study with her a short time later!! (God Bless, and more power to you, Nadine!) Furthermore, Marina is a Christian and not a Muslim woman. I wonder if she had been, would Nadine have still approached her with the same hospitality? I am going to guess that she would have, but before speaking to Lynda, I am not sure I would have. What is it about the hijab that intimidates and prevents us from extending even a basic greeting to Muslim women?

Girlfriends, Nadine and Lynda are both on to something very powerful that we need to hear today. That message is simple: Just "Say Hello." If we can slow down and take our eyes off our issues long enough to look around, we will see women of all types just like us, longing for friendship, relationship, and love. Do not be intimidated by the color of her skin, or the covering on her head, or the language that she speaks--women are just that, women. And a simple "hello" with a sincere smile can pave a path where that truth will be revealed. 

Maybe your greeting plants a seed that another will water and yet another will see blossom. Or maybe you are to be the water to a seedling already emerging. Who knows? You could even be the harvester of the hidden yet ripened fruit in a woman's life. The bottom line is you will never know if you don't step out in trust and say "hello." You have a unique gift to give: YOU. Share it! Do not let faith or denominational differences deter you from befriending a woman. Perhaps your example is the only testimony to Jesus that woman will ever see or know. What an amazing opportunity!

Ladies, we don't have to go hunting for connections. If Nadine can befriend a woman in the Goodwill Store, you know your chance is coming....maybe in the produce aisle, at the doctor's office, in your exercise class, or even walking the dog. Women are seeking---I know because I was once one of those women, and I was blessed by neighbors and wives of my husband's co-workers. These ladies who spoke the Truth into my life did not walk up one day and say, "Hey let me tell you about Jesus." NO. They looked me in the eye, smiled, and just said "Hello." 

Tell Me Your Stories

Just like Nadine, I have a few stories of divine appointments in unexpected places that transpired into deep and affectionate friendships with extraordinary women--many of you now reading thisunderstand because it is YOU of whom I speak. I pray God will connect each of you in a special way this week with at least one woman with "a lot of junk in her cart!" I would love to share your stories of God-inspired meetings. You can write a comment below or email me privately at Be blessed, Girlfriends, and be a blessing. 

Addressing Anger

"In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
Ephesians 4:26
Girlfriends, yesterday I told you how much I love you.
Today, I want to declare my respect for each one of you!

Your feedback to my blog both inspires and encourages me. Honest evaluations assist me with my format and content; however, your expressions of raw emotion, self-evaluation, and deep desire to draw nearer to the Lord are truly my motivation to continue writing! I respect the transparency with which you share your heartfelt responses to what God speaks through me when I sit down at the computer. I honor you for facing your fears, shortcomings, questions, and insecurities as you seek growth, depth, and intimacy in your relationships, both with God and with others. I am amazed at your strength and stamina as you seek to employ the spiritual gifts with which you have been blessed. I adore the fact that God allows me to walk with astounding female role models from all seasons of life. In short, I respect you!


This snowy morning, I lit a candle and sat down to read my emails. (Don't worry, I am not reading by candlelight; we have electricity. I simply enjoy the ambiance created as well as the scent of Yankee candles!) My joy soon grew as I received a note from a special woman, someone to whom I am deeply attached as a result of a calamitous event. She wrote a loving response to my devotionals but what touched me was her open admission of anger over the aforementioned event. My friend is wrestling with God over the unbearable pain and anguish my daughter, whom my friend loves, is suffering. I respect both this friend's honesty and her willingness to go on the offensive for someone who is not even a blood relative. This woman chooses to love and chooses to risk confronting God over that love. How can I not respect her? Yet, at the same time, out of my love for this woman, I was concerned about the chasm created in her relationship with God. I want to share what I've learned about anger through these disastrous months.


I believe anger is an emotion God allows us to experience as much as happiness, sadness, surprise, or fear. In Ephesians 4:26-27, He tells us, "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." As I interpret that passage, we will experience anger but we are to both remain self-controlled and to deal with our anger in a timely manner. We are not to sin in our anger nor hold on to it for great length because Satan then gains a stronghold in our minds.

Anger is often justified, a righteous anger. Jesus himself was angry when the moneychangers defiled the temple; their actions were an insult to someone He loved, His Father. Matthew 21: 12-13 states, "Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a ‘den of robbers.' "

These passages help me with the anger I feel when I know my daughter is suffering excruciating pain and my only thought in that moment is "Stop. Please, please, please, can't the pain stop?" Of course, my thoughts and questions are directed to God because I trust that He could stop the agony in a millisecond if He so willed. How then do I not become what I feel is righteously angry with Him when she continues to agonize? I have learned two things: One, to direct my anger where it belongs: at Satan; and Two, that while I completely trust in God's sovereign power to release Joslyn from Satan's attack and to heal her body instantly, I also trust in His sovereign power to choose when, how, and why He will act, for His glory and for His eternal plan for Joslyn. 


My anger is directed at Satan, a murderer and the father of all lies. (John 8:44) God labels him as our enemy, the devil prowling around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) He is the one who instigated the fall of humans (Genesis 3) and thereby planted seeds of all sickness and disorder that grow in our world. He makes me hopping mad! I actually surprised myself on a walk last weekend in St Louis. I was praying for Joslyn and felt that anger surge up inside of me.  I found myself speaking, out loud and very adamantly, to Satan. I did not realize for many minutes that I was fervently rebuking him for all to hear. Thankfully I was by myself on a fairly deserted street, or someone may have called the police to come arrest me for disturbing the peace!

As crazy as I may sound, I have to tell you, Girlfriends, I felt so good when I was done ranting. I did not give him the satisfaction of cursing or losing control, but I openly admonished Satan and used Jesus's example from Luke 4: I told him what God says about the issue. "It is written...."  I knew I had finally talked to the "right person"--gave the message to the one responsible for this mess, told him what I thought about it, and made absolutely clear that he was not welcome, not winning, and not allowed to be near my family! I realized Satan is the source of my anger and therefore the one to whom I will direct it. 

Truth and Trust

More importantly, I reaffirmed that God is Truth. He is the source of my joy and therefore the one to whom I will grant my love, honor, and praise. He did not cause this accident. As I said before, I trust that the Lord could heal Joslyn just as much as I believe Jesus knew His Father could take the cup of suffering and dying upon the cross from Him. The key is in Jesus's prayer: yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42  If Jesus could pray this way, certainly I can trust in what He knew...God has a plan and purpose that is far greater than the pain, greater than my desires for my daughter. Do I direct her paths, or does He? (Proverbs 16:9)

Knowledge and belief in the Truth give me peace, but I will admit that they do not restrain me from sobbing into my pillow in the early morning hours after praying Joslyn through horrible pain. My heart still aches and breaks as she is mentally, emotionally, or physically attacked time and time again. That anger and frustration well up, but when I release it in the correct place I find I can once again focus on hope and trust. As loudly as I admonished Satan, I praise my Lord. I repeat "I trust you, Jesus. I trust you." I even sing Third Day's song, I Trust In Jesus, to embolden my spirit and resolve to see her and her husband through this trial. Last week, I laid in bed at 3 am whispering, until I fell asleep in my Savior's arms, Philippians 4:6-7-- Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

So, my dear Girlfriends, that is what I have learned about anger, and trust, and truth, and more. Will you please join me in prayer for not only my faithful friend who wrote to me this morning, but also for every person struggling with circumstances that arouse anger? Will you also examine your own life and ask God to reveal His truth to you about anger?

Ladies, while you allow me to share my journey with you, I am grateful for every thought, note, or story that you release to me. God created you for a wonderful purpose, and I respect how you are pursuing that purpose passionately. Enjoy this wonderful weekend!