Showing posts with label connect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label connect. Show all posts

Just Say Hello

A new command I give you: 
Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34

Hello Girlfriends!

Have you ever thought about that word "hello"? I mean, do you specifically remember someone teaching you to say "hello" when you pick up the phone receiver? When someone looks you in the eye and smiles, is your natural response to say "hi"? If you are like me, you utter that word, or some variation of it, countless times in a day without even thinking about its impact. The word just flows naturally, hangs in the air for a second or two, and then quickly disappears as we retreat back into our shells, minds run amok with endless chatter and to-do lists. 


It is a simple word, "hello," but do you realize the power that one word holds? Whether we initiate the greeting or answer another's prompt, "hello" either invites that person into our world or carries us into theirs. A pathway of communication is opened. I like to believe that the potential for lifelong, maybe even eternal, friendship exists just beyond that one word. 

On the flip side, lies silence. When we ignore a person's presence or refuse to acknowledge their salutation, communication collapses. Unrealized potential slips away into the hurry of the day. No new connections are formed, and huge opportunities for blessing are lost. Perhaps, even, the one to be blessed would have been YOU. 

A Lot of Junk
I attended a Bible study today at the home of a friend who lives about 30 minutes away. As usual, I slipped into my chair just as the lesson began, so I missed the introduction of a first-time participant. As the group closed in prayer, my friend Nadine lifted up to the Lord the newcomer seated to her left, asking God to bless her search for employment. Afterward, while the ladies enjoyed delicious snacks prepared by our hostess, I said hello to this new woman, Marina.We chatted for a few minutes and then joined the rest of the group. Before long I connected enough dots to realize that Nadine had driven Marina to our study today. 

Curious as I am, or nosy as my husband calls it, I asked Nadine how she met Marina. The answer made me chuckle: "at the Goodwill Store." Of course, my next question was, "Well, exactly how do you meet someone in the Goodwill? Did you run your cart into hers, or were you hunting for the same things?" (Keep in mind, my dear Nadine is seventy-five plus years old! I am not sure exactly, but Marina is a generation or two her junior.)

Nadine, in her stylish Southern voice, answered, "I said to her, 'It looks like you are buying a lot of junk there.' Then I thought I would give her my 25% off coupon because she probably had about $100 worth in her cart and I only had a few dollars." Marina nodded her head in confirmation as the rest of us laughed out loud. Nadine filled in the details of that day's meeting and how their friendship developed to the point of inviting Marina to this Bible study. Demonstrating the power of extending a greeting and initiating conversation, Nadine proved that girlfriends are all around us, even in the middle of a Goodwill Store!

Just Say Hello

Nadine and Marina's story is especially intriguing to me for a few reasons. For one, Marina is from Mexico, and Nadine is a true Southerner. Marina speaks Spanish, and Nadine speaks "drawl." However, language did not prevent them from connecting. Secondly, Nadine is Protestant, and Marina is Catholic; nonetheless, denominational differences did not inhibit their spiritual connection. And the third reason is because just last night at my church I spent over an hour speaking with a wonderful missionary woman named Lynda Hausfeld. Lynda's "Say Hello" initiative "inspires Christian women everywhere toward relationships with Muslim women everywhere, knowing that such focus will radically impact believers and will draw Muslim women in all nations to Jesus." (

Now, "it looks like you are buying a lot of junk there" is definitely a far cry from just saying "Hello." As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure Nadine is just about the only woman with enough charm to open with that line and end with the recipient riding to Bible study with her a short time later!! (God Bless, and more power to you, Nadine!) Furthermore, Marina is a Christian and not a Muslim woman. I wonder if she had been, would Nadine have still approached her with the same hospitality? I am going to guess that she would have, but before speaking to Lynda, I am not sure I would have. What is it about the hijab that intimidates and prevents us from extending even a basic greeting to Muslim women?

Girlfriends, Nadine and Lynda are both on to something very powerful that we need to hear today. That message is simple: Just "Say Hello." If we can slow down and take our eyes off our issues long enough to look around, we will see women of all types just like us, longing for friendship, relationship, and love. Do not be intimidated by the color of her skin, or the covering on her head, or the language that she speaks--women are just that, women. And a simple "hello" with a sincere smile can pave a path where that truth will be revealed. 

Maybe your greeting plants a seed that another will water and yet another will see blossom. Or maybe you are to be the water to a seedling already emerging. Who knows? You could even be the harvester of the hidden yet ripened fruit in a woman's life. The bottom line is you will never know if you don't step out in trust and say "hello." You have a unique gift to give: YOU. Share it! Do not let faith or denominational differences deter you from befriending a woman. Perhaps your example is the only testimony to Jesus that woman will ever see or know. What an amazing opportunity!

Ladies, we don't have to go hunting for connections. If Nadine can befriend a woman in the Goodwill Store, you know your chance is coming....maybe in the produce aisle, at the doctor's office, in your exercise class, or even walking the dog. Women are seeking---I know because I was once one of those women, and I was blessed by neighbors and wives of my husband's co-workers. These ladies who spoke the Truth into my life did not walk up one day and say, "Hey let me tell you about Jesus." NO. They looked me in the eye, smiled, and just said "Hello." 

Tell Me Your Stories

Just like Nadine, I have a few stories of divine appointments in unexpected places that transpired into deep and affectionate friendships with extraordinary women--many of you now reading thisunderstand because it is YOU of whom I speak. I pray God will connect each of you in a special way this week with at least one woman with "a lot of junk in her cart!" I would love to share your stories of God-inspired meetings. You can write a comment below or email me privately at Be blessed, Girlfriends, and be a blessing.