Showing posts with label encourage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label encourage. Show all posts

Walk By Faith

For we walk by faith, not by sight:
2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV

A Walk

This lovely morning, I walked in our neighborhood with a girlfriend who lives across the street from me. Traversing the sidewalks, we commented on the appearance of various landscaping, additions to homes, fences and siding color schemes, and the upkeep of land owned by the Franciscan Village. My friend wants to make some changes in her own landscaping, and my house needs painting. Naturally, we desire aesthetic beauty for the exterior of our property, yet we also discussed the housing market. When the time comes to relocate, will we recoup the costs invested? 

After a lengthy hike, including huffing up and down the hill, we stood in my driveway still discussing our opinions and choices. To my surprise, a woman appeared from around the corner of my house, sweeping the sidewalk with a white cane. I whispered to my friend, asking if she knew the lady, which she did not. As she turned toward us, I called out to our dog to move off the sidewalk, to which the woman replied that she was not afraid of Oreo. (Mighty brave, I thought, since earlier my friend and I got nervous seeing a dog restrained by an invisible fence!)

Lola stopped and chatted with us for awhile. She shared how her failing sight has presented her with new challenges and limits her freedom; however, she seemed determined to overcome her disability. Expressing how her family assists her, Lola also asserted that she must become self-sufficient in case she should ever be alone. Hence, her journey outside! This time she was walking around two blocks, but her first trip was simply on her block. Fourteen minutes, she exclaimed, was how long that first excursion took. She was driven to cut that time down, avoid falling, and master the use of the white cane. My friend and I encouraged and congratulated her as she continued toward home. 

A Walk by Faith

I now realize that I have previously met Lola. I remember her pushing a stroller with her six month old granddaughter and stopping to chat in my driveway. The contrast between the two meetings is stark. A short time ago, Lola walked as my friend and I did today, viewing the trees, flowers, grass, brick and painted homes, fences and pools. She probably pointed out birds and squirrels to her little grandchild. But today, Lola walks by faith, not by sight. Faith in a white cane to notify her of uneven pavement, street corners, and other sidewalk impediments. Faith in her other senses to alert her to animals, pedestrians, oncoming vehicles, and more. Faith in her own confidence to conquer her failing eyesight and overcome resulting limitations.

Lola encourages me today to examine my own walk. Am I relying too much on my sight to guide me? Do I place too much emphasis on outward appearances, whether it is landscaping, curb appeal or my own physical body? In what areas is God calling me to walk by faith in His plan and His priorities rather than by what I see as the way or the goal? Do I trust Him with my family, my home, my finances, my health, my life, even when the answers are I seek appear dark and hidden?

Faithfully Walking With God

The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I do believe that God instructs to care for ourselves and to be good stewards of the world in which we live. I read it in His Word to me. He also tells me that I am to value Him above all created things. Therein lies my challenge--my task--to overcome my tendency to value what I can experience with my senses over what I experience by faith alone: my Lord and Savior.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

Girlfriends, today, I thank Lola for her courage to walk by faith. She has inspired me. Yes, I still have appointments for painting and repair estimates, trips to Home Depot for dirt and mulch, and a deck screaming to be stained; however, my top priority daily is conversation with Jesus about the state and condition of my soul and following up with application and maintenance!

Ladies, my prayer for you today is simple: May you walk by faith, not by sight. Without having seen, I pray you will believe that Jesus died for you sins--past, present and future--and accept His salvation offered by grace through His atonement. I pray you will schedule a soul examination with yourself and God: How important are appearances to you? Are you being a good steward of God's gifts to you, or are you valuing the gift more than the Giver? I pray time with the Lord will reveal answers and solutions which you implement. And I pray for Lola, and any of you, struggling with a physical challenge that threatens the ability to walk, to go forward in life. I say it again, may God give you the strength, courage, and desire to walk by faith!

Love to you all!