Trusting the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; 
 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Hello My Girlfriends!

I apologize for the huge time gaps between blogs this past month. Not because of writer's block, or lack of interest in writing to you, but instead my life has taken an interesting twist that has thwarted my efforts to write daily. In the midst of mourning the upcoming loss of day to day contact with my youngest daughter (remember she is heading to college in just two weeks), my husband was offered a job promotion that requires a move even farther away from all of my girls.

So, ladies, I know you have heard Proverbs 3:5-6 quoted many, many times, but I am here to tell you that God gave us this piece of wisdom for a good reason. In the difficult and trying times, trusting in the Lord and believing His ways definitely lessens the pain and angst. I am submitting my life to Him, trusting that He will bring all things together for our good and His glory, just as He has done the past twelve moves in our married life!

Funny thing about trust, you must stick to your convictions and faith in all situations, including superstitious ones! Here I am, moving for the thirteenth time, listing my house on Friday the 13th, and finding that my mind wants to freak out over the numbers. Man-made silliness, I know, but I had to take my thoughts captive to overcome the uneasiness.

So, as I work feverishly this week to prepare my home for showings and appraisals, I am thinking of you and compiling blog topics in my mind.  Be ready for the barrage in August!!

I also want to thank God for Girlfriends who step to help in when life throws these curve balls. I am grateful for the helping hands and praying hearts that serve our family in love and friendship. Praise to God that this earth, wherever we reside on it, is only our temporary home. By God's grace, we look forward to eternity in one another's presence, with tea, snacks, flowers, candles, conversation, and laughter abounding.

I am so blessed!

Love to you all!


  1. You know I live every day by that Proverb! You too with get through all this and something magnificent will happen on the other side. Wish I could lend a hand but I'm sure you have got it all ORGANIZED!

  2. I do know that is your proverb! We will get to the other side for sure! Actually my favorite band, Third Day, often starts their concerts with their song Other it! I am getting organized now that I have donated tons of furniture and cleared a space in the basement! Bring on the buyers~! Always praying God's will be your life and mine.

  3. Jackie,
    You are so strong! God surley has been working through you! My prayers will be with you and for You! For the year 2012 my scripture verses are Proverbs 3:5-6 and 118:24........
    The good thing about you Jackie; you are very adaptable, have car will travel. You really are a wonderful example of what a woman of God is!!!!!!!!!
    You are loved by many.

  4. Jackie, I am usually a day late and a dollar short...and today is no different! I am just reading here that you are moving!! Where? When? Why? How? I can come over, tomorrow the 13th if I can be of any assistance. Please call me!!!!!!
