Wisdom and Understanding

Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
Proverbs 3:13-14 

Hello Girlfriends!

My thoughts are fixed upon graduation as my youngest daughter wraps up her high school career today by taking her last final exam. I think about all the facts memorized, the grammar and spelling checked, and the mathematical equations solved. With twelve years of knowledge in her brain, my darling will embark upon life in the real world. She has high aspirations for a career in graphic design, one that will hopefully pay the student loans and provide enough leftovers for a roof, clothing, and food.

In the midst of preparations, this mother's mind focuses upon today's key verse. My hope for my daughter is that she has obtained more than just plain knowledge in these past twelve years. I pray that she sought the Spirit of the Lord for wisdom and also understanding, for as Proverbs 3 states, they are more profitable than silver, yield better returns than gold (even with today's market value for that precious metal.)

Head knowledge is terrific and especially useful for operating heavy machinery or designing detailed brochures. But heart knowledge is better. Many people know who Jesus is, believe He existed, and agree He was crucified for our sins. What is lacking is the wisdom and understanding of why God entered humanity, died, and resurrected on our behalf. Facts flourish but a relationship with Christ flounders. Unfortunately, without that rapport and without wisdom, knowledge alone can only lead to worldly success with disastrous eternal consequences.

Jesus alone saves us from ourselves, from Satan, from sin--knowing this point however is not enough. Understanding why, and wisely choosing to accept His sacrifice, are the true keys to future profit and prosperity.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

I pray for my child, and all of my loved ones, that God will give them insight, discernment, and wisdom when applying knowledge to life on this earth. Building a house is the easy part; choosing the foundation is the difficult and demanding decision. Society beckons us to settle for appearances, popularity, and its definition of success. God desires so much more for His children. His foundation is solid and steady in the storms as well as the sunny days, but requires sacrifice and slow, steady progress during the building phases. In today's age of instantaneous everything, will our children patiently wait upon stable construction or will they settle for flimsy and fast fabrication? What about us? What example have we provided our youth? Girlfriends, the time is never past for demolition of the old house and construction of the new with Jesus Christ as our cornerstone and concrete base. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5

Ladies, today let us join in prayer for our graduates, for our younger and older children, for our friends and family, and for ourselves. May God grant wisdom to all who ask so that the knowledge in our brains connects with the love in our hearts, the passion in our bones, and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. May wisdom and understanding guide every free choice allowing each one of us to be a blessing to others and bring honor to our heavenly Father. 

Have a wonderful day!! 

PS Please pray for my daughter as she gives her speech tomorrow at graduation....another example of how God does not call the equipped, He equips the called. My non-public speaker child has been asked to present the senior class gift to a gym full of students and family members. Her comfort zone is designing the gift and the card to accompany it, NOT making a public presentation. God bless her for stepping out and accepting the challenge. 

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