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I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel,
who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:3 NIV
Girlfriends, we have a rainy and bleak morning in Virginia, but the sun is shining in my heart because I am thinking of you!
Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear. Matthew 13:43 NIV
My day has begun in the same fashion for the past four weeks: get out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, blend my iced coffee smoothie, and doctor the dog. Tending to the dog has taken on an urgency in the last month since the vet informed us of her medical disorder. Apparently, cocker spaniels are prone to issues with their ears, and our little Oreo is no exception.
Mornings are met with mixed emotions by our dear canine friend. On the one hand, she sprints to the kitchen at the sound off either the rattling pill bottle or the rustling package of lunch meat. Oreo quickly associated both noises with the juicy taste of a meat treat. Little does she know, I am sneaking steroid medication down her throat as she nearly takes my finger off while eagerly attacking the juicy offering. The trickery continues as I fill her bowl, pierce the enormous casing of an Omega-3 fatty supplement, and squeeze the contents across her dog food. (Past attempts to hide that giant casing in tastier treats only resulted in me picking up a slobbery, rejected pill off the floor. Gross!)
On the other hand, poor Oreo faces an assault on her ears with each breaking dawn. After the treats have been devoured, her sprint is reduced to a tail-between-the-legs, slow, and cautious drift toward the sound of my calling voice. Our pitiful puppy perceives that Mama Brown, with tissue, baby wipes, medicine, and giant q-tips in hand, is preparing to poke, prod, and push foreign objects and liquids into her sensitive and sore ear canals. Limited by her mutt mentality, Oreo is unable to understand I operate out of love, care, and concern for her overall well-being and comfort; however, I do sense her calmness resulting from the gentle and warm words of praise I speak to her throughout the painful process.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 NLT
Girlfriends, sometimes I wonder if my own human intellect is not closer to mutt mentality than the cosmic comprehension I desire to possess. Just as I tend to Oreo each morning, God also attends to me. As much as I hate to admit the fact, He too has to "hide" my medicine in something pleasurable or desirable. God also coats my daily bread with a healthy supplement, which if administered alone I would choke on, sputter and spit out. And through the process of cleansing, grooming, and removing the impurities and infections, God speaks soothingly and softly to me, encouraging me to be still and endure the pain of His treatment which will ultimately bring healing and wholeness.
At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, "Ask! What shall I give you?" 1 Kings 3:5
I too run to God, only in prayer, begging for something tasty and tantalizing to my senses. Please, Lord, can I have that job I really want? "Sure," He says, but unknowingly I also get the demanding boss and the annoying co-worker because the Lord knows I need to increase my patience level and hone my humility. Please, Father, grant me a child to love and nurture? "Ok, here you go," He says, but wrapped inside is terrible twos, petrifying puberty, and a defiant, intolerant teenager. God knows my parents need to see payback and that I need to grow in strength, wisdom, empathy, and communication skills. (Not to mention God both has a sense of humor and enjoys a jolly good laugh at times!) Good things given by God with good medicine wrapped inside.
Give us each day our daily bread. Luke 11:3
As I receive my daily bread, God coats it with hearty, life-giving supplements which I would not swallow standing alone. I earn wages for my labor and am lauded with praise, but alongside comes constructive criticism to develop my character. I am granted shelter yet toilets run, faucets drip, and floors are dirty. I learn upkeep and repair, tools I can also apply to the relationships God grants me in this life. I eat, only the food does not prepare itself nor do the dishes wash themselves. I learn to value planning, creating, and cleanliness.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
And then come the quiet moments, the intervals when God gets you alone....just you and Him. He quietly calls your name, and like the obedient dog who loves the master, you come--sometimes joyfully, tail wagging in excitement; sometimes trembling, tail tucked and anxious. Which way we approach the Father actually is our choice. If we fear the grooming process, the refinement of our souls, yes, ladies, we will quiver and shake, lingering in our tracks. However, we are not dogs; we are above mutt mentality. We have been given the Spirit of God--we need not fear Him whose Spirit lives in us.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT
Girlfriends, today I pray you will seek the goodness of God and accept the hard medicine that sometimes accompanies the flavorful fare He offers. Obey the Father, and be blessed as He refines the rough exterior to expose the gem inside of you!
Peace be with you. And also with Oreo!
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